Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Percussion Rehearsal after school on Friday 3:30pm-6:30pm
No Guard Competition/Practice on Saturday
Smart Session Schedule This Week 2-26-18 - 3-2-18
Monday - Flute Choir
Tuesday - Clarinet Choir
Wednesday - Saxophone Choir
Thursday - Wind Ensemble (MPA Sectionals)
Friday - Brass Ensemble
Students must have a note from their teacher to come to these rehearsals. Students will have to report to their teachers first before coming down to the band room.
Tuesday - Clarinet Choir
Wednesday - Saxophone Choir
Thursday - Wind Ensemble (MPA Sectionals)
Friday - Brass Ensemble
Students must have a note from their teacher to come to these rehearsals. Students will have to report to their teachers first before coming down to the band room.
Class 2-28-18
SWBAT: Sight Read New Music( 3rd and 4th period)
SWBAT: Go over rules and regulations for each class period.
SWBAT: See white board for HW and specific practice information on what we go over in class on a daily basis.
SWBAT: Review HW daily via Mr. Gibson.
SWBAT: Rehearse Concert Band music . (3rd period)
SWBAT: Practice beginning band instruments!(2nd)
SWBAT: Understand basic music theory.(All Classes)
SWBAT: Practice piano fundamentals.(2nd period)
SWBAT: Rehearse Wind Ensemble music! (4th pd)
SWBAT: Sight Read New Music( 3rd and 4th period)
SWBAT: Go over rules and regulations for each class period.
SWBAT: See white board for HW and specific practice information on what we go over in class on a daily basis.
SWBAT: Review HW daily via Mr. Gibson.
SWBAT: Rehearse Concert Band music . (3rd period)
SWBAT: Practice beginning band instruments!(2nd)
SWBAT: Understand basic music theory.(All Classes)
SWBAT: Practice piano fundamentals.(2nd period)
SWBAT: Rehearse Wind Ensemble music! (4th pd)
All State Auditions Saturday 3-3-18
The following students will be auditioning on Saturday for the All state band:
William Buezzo
(Registration at 11am. Judges meeting starts at 12pm. Auditions will start between 12:30pm-1:00pm. Arrive by 11:30pm)
The Following Students will be auditioning for the All State Jazz Band:
Sophia Raspanti
Riley Bramwell
(Registration at 11am. Auditions start at 2pm. Arrive by 1pm.)
William Buezzo
(Registration at 11am. Judges meeting starts at 12pm. Auditions will start between 12:30pm-1:00pm. Arrive by 11:30pm)
The Following Students will be auditioning for the All State Jazz Band:
Sophia Raspanti
Riley Bramwell
(Registration at 11am. Auditions start at 2pm. Arrive by 1pm.)
Monday, February 26, 2018
No Guard Competition/Practice on Saturday
Smart Session Schedule This Week 2-26-18 - 3-2-18
Monday - Flute Choir
Tuesday - Clarinet Choir
Wednesday - Saxophone Choir
Thursday - Wind Ensemble (MPA Sectionals)
Friday - Brass Ensemble
Students must have a note from their teacher to come to these rehearsals. Students will have to report to their teachers first before coming down to the band room.
Tuesday - Clarinet Choir
Wednesday - Saxophone Choir
Thursday - Wind Ensemble (MPA Sectionals)
Friday - Brass Ensemble
Students must have a note from their teacher to come to these rehearsals. Students will have to report to their teachers first before coming down to the band room.
Leadership Meeting After School This Friday 3-2-18.
We will have a guest clinician come in and work with the wind ensemble on 2-27-18 from 6pm -8pm. Please make sure you are present. This is a mandatory rehearsal and students will receive a grade. If you have any questions email Mr. Gibson.
Percussion Ensemble 3-2-18 from 3:30pm-6:30pm
Class 2-26-18
SWBAT: Sight Read New Music( 3rd and 4th period)
SWBAT: Go over rules and regulations for each class period.
SWBAT: See white board for HW and specific practice information on what we go over in class on a daily basis.
SWBAT: Review HW daily via Mr. Gibson.
SWBAT: Rehearse Concert Band music . (3rd period)
SWBAT: Practice beginning band instruments!(2nd)
SWBAT: Understand basic music theory.(All Classes)
SWBAT: Practice piano fundamentals.(2nd period)
SWBAT: Rehearse Wind Ensemble music! (4th pd)
SWBAT: Sight Read New Music( 3rd and 4th period)
SWBAT: Go over rules and regulations for each class period.
SWBAT: See white board for HW and specific practice information on what we go over in class on a daily basis.
SWBAT: Review HW daily via Mr. Gibson.
SWBAT: Rehearse Concert Band music . (3rd period)
SWBAT: Practice beginning band instruments!(2nd)
SWBAT: Understand basic music theory.(All Classes)
SWBAT: Practice piano fundamentals.(2nd period)
SWBAT: Rehearse Wind Ensemble music! (4th pd)
Friday, February 23, 2018
Leadership Meeting After School This Friday 2-23-18. (Applications Are Due)
We will have a guest clinician come in and work with the wind ensemble on 2-27-18 from 6pm -8pm. Please make sure you are present. This is a mandatory rehearsal and students will receive a grade. If you have any questions email Mr. Gibson.
Percussion Ensemble 2-23-18 from 3:30pm-6:30pm
Optional Guard Rehearsal Tonight 7pm-9pm
Guard Competition Tomorrow
The winter guard will perform at Mt. Pleasant High School in Mt. Pleasant NC on 2-24-18. We will be carpooling to the event. Again, I am very proud of all of the students accomplishments in this ensemble. Here is some important information about the event on Saturday February 24th:
- Students will meet at the school at 8:30am
- Students will rehearse before we depart.
- Guard students will car pool to the event. We will leave FHS at 11:15am.
- Bring money for concessions. We will go out to lunch after we perform.
- Guard performs at Mt. Pleasant High School at 1:46pm. ($10 admission for parents)
- Award ceremony for Guard is at 5:00pm.
- We would like students to stay the entire time at this show and leave after awards.
- Admission is $10 for adults ($8 children 5-12) Children 5 and under are free
Address to Mt. Pleasant High School:
700 Walker Road
Mt. Pleasant, NC 28124
All guard members can leave with their ride after awards. The award ceremony is at 5:00pm. If you have any questions please email or call.
Nicholas Gibson
Director of Bands
Forestview High School
The winter guard will perform at Mt. Pleasant High School in Mt. Pleasant NC on 2-24-18. We will be carpooling to the event. Again, I am very proud of all of the students accomplishments in this ensemble. Here is some important information about the event on Saturday February 24th:
- Students will meet at the school at 8:30am
- Students will rehearse before we depart.
- Guard students will car pool to the event. We will leave FHS at 11:15am.
- Bring money for concessions. We will go out to lunch after we perform.
- Guard performs at Mt. Pleasant High School at 1:46pm. ($10 admission for parents)
- Award ceremony for Guard is at 5:00pm.
- We would like students to stay the entire time at this show and leave after awards.
- Admission is $10 for adults ($8 children 5-12) Children 5 and under are free
Address to Mt. Pleasant High School:
700 Walker Road
Mt. Pleasant, NC 28124
All guard members can leave with their ride after awards. The award ceremony is at 5:00pm. If you have any questions please email or call.
Nicholas Gibson
Director of Bands
Forestview High School
Class 2-23-18
SWBAT: Sight Read New Music( 3rd and 4th period)
SWBAT: Go over rules and regulations for each class period.
SWBAT: See white board for HW and specific practice information on what we go over in class on a daily basis.
SWBAT: Review HW daily via Mr. Gibson.
SWBAT: Rehearse Concert Band music . (3rd period)
SWBAT: Practice beginning band instruments!(2nd)
SWBAT: Understand basic music theory.(All Classes)
SWBAT: Practice piano fundamentals.(2nd period)
SWBAT: Rehearse Wind Ensemble music! (4th pd)
SWBAT: Sight Read New Music( 3rd and 4th period)
SWBAT: Go over rules and regulations for each class period.
SWBAT: See white board for HW and specific practice information on what we go over in class on a daily basis.
SWBAT: Review HW daily via Mr. Gibson.
SWBAT: Rehearse Concert Band music . (3rd period)
SWBAT: Practice beginning band instruments!(2nd)
SWBAT: Understand basic music theory.(All Classes)
SWBAT: Practice piano fundamentals.(2nd period)
SWBAT: Rehearse Wind Ensemble music! (4th pd)
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Leadership Meeting After School This Friday 2-23-18. (Applications Are Due)
We will have a guest clinician come in and work with the wind ensemble on 2-27-18 from 6pm -8pm. Please make sure you are present. This is a mandatory rehearsal and students will receive a grade. If you have any questions email Mr. Gibson.
Percussion Ensemble on Friday 2-23-18 from 3:30pm-6:30pm
Smart Session Small Ensemble Schedule 2-22-18
Any student who is interested in playing in BRASS ENSEMBLE please stop by the band room during smart session today.
Winter Guard Competition Saturday
The winter guard will perform at Mt. Pleasant High School in Mt. Pleasant NC on 2-24-18. We will be carpooling to the event. Again, I am very proud of all of the students accomplishments in this ensemble. Here is some important information about the event on Saturday February 24th:
- Students will meet at the school at 8:30am
- Students will rehearse before we depart.
- Guard students will car pool to the event. We will leave FHS at 11:15am.
- Bring money for concessions. We will go out to lunch after we perform.
- Guard performs at Mt. Pleasant High School at 1:46pm. ($10 admission for parents)
- Award ceremony for Guard is at 5:00pm.
- We would like students to stay the entire time at this show and leave after awards.
- Admission is $10 for adults ($8 children 5-12) Children 5 and under are free
Address to Mt. Pleasant High School:
700 Walker Road
Mt. Pleasant, NC 28124
All guard members can leave with their ride after awards. The award ceremony is at 5:00pm. If you have any questions please email or call.
Nicholas Gibson
Director of Bands
Forestview High School
The winter guard will perform at Mt. Pleasant High School in Mt. Pleasant NC on 2-24-18. We will be carpooling to the event. Again, I am very proud of all of the students accomplishments in this ensemble. Here is some important information about the event on Saturday February 24th:
- Students will meet at the school at 8:30am
- Students will rehearse before we depart.
- Guard students will car pool to the event. We will leave FHS at 11:15am.
- Bring money for concessions. We will go out to lunch after we perform.
- Guard performs at Mt. Pleasant High School at 1:46pm. ($10 admission for parents)
- Award ceremony for Guard is at 5:00pm.
- We would like students to stay the entire time at this show and leave after awards.
- Admission is $10 for adults ($8 children 5-12) Children 5 and under are free
Address to Mt. Pleasant High School:
700 Walker Road
Mt. Pleasant, NC 28124
All guard members can leave with their ride after awards. The award ceremony is at 5:00pm. If you have any questions please email or call.
Nicholas Gibson
Director of Bands
Forestview High School
Class 2-22-18
SWBAT: Sight Read New Music( 3rd and 4th period)
SWBAT: Go over rules and regulations for each class period.
SWBAT: See white board for HW and specific practice information on what we go over in class on a daily basis.
SWBAT: Review HW daily via Mr. Gibson.
SWBAT: Rehearse Concert Band music . (3rd period)
SWBAT: Practice beginning band instruments!(2nd)
SWBAT: Understand basic music theory.(All Classes)
SWBAT: Practice piano fundamentals.(2nd period)
SWBAT: Rehearse Wind Ensemble music! (4th pd)
SWBAT: Sight Read New Music( 3rd and 4th period)
SWBAT: Go over rules and regulations for each class period.
SWBAT: See white board for HW and specific practice information on what we go over in class on a daily basis.
SWBAT: Review HW daily via Mr. Gibson.
SWBAT: Rehearse Concert Band music . (3rd period)
SWBAT: Practice beginning band instruments!(2nd)
SWBAT: Understand basic music theory.(All Classes)
SWBAT: Practice piano fundamentals.(2nd period)
SWBAT: Rehearse Wind Ensemble music! (4th pd)
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Leadership Meeting After School This Friday 2-23-18. (Applications Are Due)
We will have a guest clinician come in and work with the wind ensemble on 2-27-18 from 6pm -8pm. Please make sure you are present. This is a mandatory rehearsal and students will receive a grade. If you have any questions email Mr. Gibson.
Percussion Ensemble on Friday 2-23-18 from 3:30pm-6:30pm
Make Up Work Before The Grading Period Ends
Smart Session Small Ensemble Schedule 2-21-18
Any student who is interested in playing in SAXOPHONE CHOIR please stop by the band room during smart session today.
Winter Guard Competition Saturday
The winter guard will perform at Mt. Pleasant High School in Mt. Pleasant NC on 2-24-18. We will be carpooling to the event. Again, I am very proud of all of the students accomplishments in this ensemble. Here is some important information about the event on Saturday February 24th:
- Students will meet at the school at 8:30am
- Students will rehearse before we depart.
- Guard students will car pool to the event. We will leave FHS at 11:15am.
- Bring money for concessions. We will go out to lunch after we perform.
- Guard performs at Mt. Pleasant High School at 1:46pm. ($10 admission for parents)
- Award ceremony for Guard is at 5:00pm.
- We would like students to stay the entire time at this show and leave after awards.
- Admission is $10 for adults ($8 children 5-12) Children 5 and under are free
Address to Mt. Pleasant High School:
700 Walker Road
Mt. Pleasant, NC 28124
All guard members can leave with their ride after awards. The award ceremony is at 5:00pm. If you have any questions please email or call.
Nicholas Gibson
Director of Bands
Forestview High School
The winter guard will perform at Mt. Pleasant High School in Mt. Pleasant NC on 2-24-18. We will be carpooling to the event. Again, I am very proud of all of the students accomplishments in this ensemble. Here is some important information about the event on Saturday February 24th:
- Students will meet at the school at 8:30am
- Students will rehearse before we depart.
- Guard students will car pool to the event. We will leave FHS at 11:15am.
- Bring money for concessions. We will go out to lunch after we perform.
- Guard performs at Mt. Pleasant High School at 1:46pm. ($10 admission for parents)
- Award ceremony for Guard is at 5:00pm.
- We would like students to stay the entire time at this show and leave after awards.
- Admission is $10 for adults ($8 children 5-12) Children 5 and under are free
Address to Mt. Pleasant High School:
700 Walker Road
Mt. Pleasant, NC 28124
All guard members can leave with their ride after awards. The award ceremony is at 5:00pm. If you have any questions please email or call.
Nicholas Gibson
Director of Bands
Forestview High School
Class 2-21-18
SWBAT: Sight Read New Music( 3rd and 4th period)
SWBAT: Go over rules and regulations for each class period.
SWBAT: See white board for HW and specific practice information on what we go over in class on a daily basis.
SWBAT: Review HW daily via Mr. Gibson.
SWBAT: Rehearse Concert Band music . (3rd period)
SWBAT: Practice beginning band instruments!(2nd)
SWBAT: Understand basic music theory.(All Classes)
SWBAT: Practice piano fundamentals.(2nd period)
SWBAT: Rehearse Wind Ensemble music! (4th pd)
SWBAT: Sight Read New Music( 3rd and 4th period)
SWBAT: Go over rules and regulations for each class period.
SWBAT: See white board for HW and specific practice information on what we go over in class on a daily basis.
SWBAT: Review HW daily via Mr. Gibson.
SWBAT: Rehearse Concert Band music . (3rd period)
SWBAT: Practice beginning band instruments!(2nd)
SWBAT: Understand basic music theory.(All Classes)
SWBAT: Practice piano fundamentals.(2nd period)
SWBAT: Rehearse Wind Ensemble music! (4th pd)
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Leadership Meeting After School This Friday 2-23-18. (Applications Are Due)
We will have a guest clinician come in and work with the wind ensemble on 2-27-18 from 6pm -8pm. Please make sure you are present. This is a mandatory rehearsal and students will receive a grade. If you have any questions email Mr. Gibson.
Percussion Ensemble on Friday 2-23-18 from 3:30pm-6:30pm
Make Up Work Before The Grading Period Ends
Smart Session Small Ensemble Schedule 2-20-18
Any student who is interested in playing in FLUTE CHOIR please stop by the band room during smart session today.
Winter Guard Competition Saturday 2-24-18 (Mt. Pleasant High School NC)
The winter guard will perform at Mt. Pleasant High School in Mt. Pleasant NC on 2-24-18. We will be carpooling to the event. Again, I am very proud of all of the students accomplishments in this ensemble. Here is some important information about the event on Saturday February 24th:
- Students will meet at the school at 8:30am
- Students will rehearse before we depart.
- Guard students will car pool to the event. We will leave FHS at 11:15am.
- Bring money for concessions. We will go out to lunch after we perform.
- Guard performs at Mt. Pleasant High School at 1:46pm. ($10 admission for parents)
- Award ceremony for Guard is at 5:00pm.
- We would like students to stay the entire time at this show and leave after awards.
- Admission is $10 for adults ($8 children 5-12) Children 5 and under are free
Address to Mt. Pleasant High School:
700 Walker Road
Mt. Pleasant, NC 28124
All guard members can leave with their ride after awards. The award ceremony is at 5:00pm. If you have any questions please email or call.
Nicholas Gibson
All guard members can leave with their ride after awards. The award ceremony is at 5:00pm. If you have any questions please email or call.
Nicholas Gibson
Director of Bands
Forestview High School
Class 2-20-18
SWBAT: Sight Read New Music( 3rd and 4th period)
SWBAT: Go over rules and regulations for each class period.
SWBAT: See white board for HW and specific practice information on what we go over in class on a daily basis.
SWBAT: Review HW daily via Mr. Gibson.
SWBAT: Rehearse Concert Band music . (3rd period)
SWBAT: Practice beginning band instruments!(2nd)
SWBAT: Understand basic music theory.(All Classes)
SWBAT: Practice piano fundamentals.(2nd period)
SWBAT: Rehearse Wind Ensemble music! (4th pd)
SWBAT: Sight Read New Music( 3rd and 4th period)
SWBAT: Go over rules and regulations for each class period.
SWBAT: See white board for HW and specific practice information on what we go over in class on a daily basis.
SWBAT: Review HW daily via Mr. Gibson.
SWBAT: Rehearse Concert Band music . (3rd period)
SWBAT: Practice beginning band instruments!(2nd)
SWBAT: Understand basic music theory.(All Classes)
SWBAT: Practice piano fundamentals.(2nd period)
SWBAT: Rehearse Wind Ensemble music! (4th pd)
Thursday, February 15, 2018
We will have a guest clinician come in and work with the wind ensemble on 2-27-18 from 6pm -8pm. Please make sure you are present. This is a mandatory rehearsal and students will receive a grade. If you have any questions email Mr. Gibson.
No Percussion Ensemble on Friday it will resume on 2-23-18
Make Up Work Before The Grading Period Ends
Smart Session Small Ensemble Schedule 2-15-18
Any student who is interested in playing in FLUTE CHOIR please stop by the band room during smart session today.
Class 2-15-18
SWBAT: Sight Read New Music( 3rd and 4th period)
SWBAT: Go over rules and regulations for each class period.
SWBAT: See white board for HW and specific practice information on what we go over in class on a daily basis.
SWBAT: Review HW daily via Mr. Gibson.
SWBAT: Rehearse Concert Band music . (3rd period)
SWBAT: Practice beginning band instruments!(2nd)
SWBAT: Understand basic music theory.(All Classes)
SWBAT: Practice piano fundamentals.(2nd period)
SWBAT: Rehearse Wind Ensemble music! (4th pd)
SWBAT: Sight Read New Music( 3rd and 4th period)
SWBAT: Go over rules and regulations for each class period.
SWBAT: See white board for HW and specific practice information on what we go over in class on a daily basis.
SWBAT: Review HW daily via Mr. Gibson.
SWBAT: Rehearse Concert Band music . (3rd period)
SWBAT: Practice beginning band instruments!(2nd)
SWBAT: Understand basic music theory.(All Classes)
SWBAT: Practice piano fundamentals.(2nd period)
SWBAT: Rehearse Wind Ensemble music! (4th pd)
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
We will have a guest clinician come in and work with the wind ensemble on 2-27-18 from 6pm -8pm. Please make sure you are present. This is a mandatory rehearsal and students will receive a grade. If you have any questions email Mr. Gibson.
No Percussion Ensemble on Friday it will resume on 2-23-18
Students Make Up Work Before The Grading Period Ends
Smart Session Small Ensemble Schedule 2-14-18
Any student who is interested in playing in SAXOPHONE CHOIR please stop by the band room during smart session today.
Class 2-14-18
SWBAT: Sight Read New Music( 3rd and 4th period)
SWBAT: Go over rules and regulations for each class period.
SWBAT: See white board for HW and specific practice information on what we go over in class on a daily basis.
SWBAT: Review HW daily via Mr. Gibson.
SWBAT: Rehearse Concert Band music . (3rd period)
SWBAT: Practice beginning band instruments!(2nd)
SWBAT: Understand basic music theory.(All Classes)
SWBAT: Practice piano fundamentals.(2nd period)
SWBAT: Rehearse Wind Ensemble music! (4th pd)
SWBAT: Sight Read New Music( 3rd and 4th period)
SWBAT: Go over rules and regulations for each class period.
SWBAT: See white board for HW and specific practice information on what we go over in class on a daily basis.
SWBAT: Review HW daily via Mr. Gibson.
SWBAT: Rehearse Concert Band music . (3rd period)
SWBAT: Practice beginning band instruments!(2nd)
SWBAT: Understand basic music theory.(All Classes)
SWBAT: Practice piano fundamentals.(2nd period)
SWBAT: Rehearse Wind Ensemble music! (4th pd)
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
No Percussion Ensemble on Friday it will resume on 2-23-18
Students Make Up Work Before The Grading Period Ends
Smart Session Small Ensemble Schedule 2-13-18
Any student who is interested in playing in CLARINET CHOIR please stop by the band room during smart session today.
Class 2-13-18
SWBAT: Sight Read New Music( 3rd and 4th period)
SWBAT: Go over rules and regulations for each class period.
SWBAT: See white board for HW and specific practice information on what we go over in class on a daily basis.
SWBAT: Review HW daily via Mr. Gibson.
SWBAT: Rehearse Concert Band music . (3rd period)
SWBAT: Practice beginning band instruments!(2nd)
SWBAT: Understand basic music theory.(All Classes)
SWBAT: Practice piano fundamentals.(2nd period)
SWBAT: Rehearse Wind Ensemble music! (4th pd)
SWBAT: Sight Read New Music( 3rd and 4th period)
SWBAT: Go over rules and regulations for each class period.
SWBAT: See white board for HW and specific practice information on what we go over in class on a daily basis.
SWBAT: Review HW daily via Mr. Gibson.
SWBAT: Rehearse Concert Band music . (3rd period)
SWBAT: Practice beginning band instruments!(2nd)
SWBAT: Understand basic music theory.(All Classes)
SWBAT: Practice piano fundamentals.(2nd period)
SWBAT: Rehearse Wind Ensemble music! (4th pd)
Thursday, February 8, 2018
Smart Session Small Ensemble Schedule 2-8-18
Any student who is interested in playing in BRASS ENSEMBLE please stop by the band room during smart session today.
Winter Guard Competition this Saturday 2-10-18 (YORK)
The winter guard will perform at York Comprehensive High School in York SC on 2-10-18. We will be carpooling to the event. Again, I am very proud of all of the students accomplishments in this ensemble. Here is some important information about the event on Saturday February 10th:
- Students will meet at the school at 10:00am
- Guard students will car pool to the event. We will leave FHS at 10:30am.
- Bring money for concessions. We will go out to lunch around 2pm.
- Guard performs at York High School at 12:53pm. ($10 admission for parents)
- Award ceremony for Guard is at 5:30pm.
- We would like students to stay the entire time at this show and leave after awards.
- Admission is $10 for adults ($8 children 5-12) Children 5 and under are free
Address to York Comprehensive High School:
275 Alexander Love Hwy York, SC 29745
All guard members can leave with their ride after awards. The award ceremony is at 5:30pm. If you have any questions please email or call.
Nicholas Gibson
Director of Bands
Forestview High School
The winter guard will perform at York Comprehensive High School in York SC on 2-10-18. We will be carpooling to the event. Again, I am very proud of all of the students accomplishments in this ensemble. Here is some important information about the event on Saturday February 10th:
- Students will meet at the school at 10:00am
- Guard students will car pool to the event. We will leave FHS at 10:30am.
- Bring money for concessions. We will go out to lunch around 2pm.
- Guard performs at York High School at 12:53pm. ($10 admission for parents)
- Award ceremony for Guard is at 5:30pm.
- We would like students to stay the entire time at this show and leave after awards.
- Admission is $10 for adults ($8 children 5-12) Children 5 and under are free
Address to York Comprehensive High School:
275 Alexander Love Hwy York, SC 29745
All guard members can leave with their ride after awards. The award ceremony is at 5:30pm. If you have any questions please email or call.
Nicholas Gibson
Director of Bands
Forestview High School
All County Band Clinic Friday and Saturday (Select Students Only)
Friday, February 9, 2018
8:00-8:15 Arrival and check in at Ashbrook HS
8:30-11:30 Rehearsal
11:30-1:00 Staggered Lunch Breaks
1:00-3:30 Rehearsal
(Students need to bring a bag lunch or have communicated to Director about school lunch. )
3:30pm Dismissal
Saturday, February 10, 2018
8:30-8:55 Arrival and check in at Ashbrook HS
9:00-11:45 Rehearsal
11:45-12:15 Lunch (Students can bring a bag lunch or purchase through AHS Boosters.)
12:15-12:30 Dress for Concert Performance
1:00pm Concert Begins
Attire: Students should wear Concert Dress! (dress, skirt that is an appropriate length. dress pants, collared shirt, NO JEANS, NO SHORTS, NO SWEATS!)
Students are:
8:00-8:15 Arrival and check in at Ashbrook HS
8:30-11:30 Rehearsal
11:30-1:00 Staggered Lunch Breaks
1:00-3:30 Rehearsal
(Students need to bring a bag lunch or have communicated to Director about school lunch. )
3:30pm Dismissal
Saturday, February 10, 2018
8:30-8:55 Arrival and check in at Ashbrook HS
9:00-11:45 Rehearsal
11:45-12:15 Lunch (Students can bring a bag lunch or purchase through AHS Boosters.)
12:15-12:30 Dress for Concert Performance
1:00pm Concert Begins
Attire: Students should wear Concert Dress! (dress, skirt that is an appropriate length. dress pants, collared shirt, NO JEANS, NO SHORTS, NO SWEATS!)
Students are:
Grace Le
Steven Giang
William Buezzo
Bailey Marquand
Isaac Phillips
Zach Dubinsky
Tyler Zentarsky
Manny Ninyeh
Leah Snyder
Kevin Giang
Sam Kaylor
Jarrett Crooks
Class 2-8-18
SWBAT: Sight Read New Music( 3rd and 4th period)
SWBAT: Go over rules and regulations for each class period.
SWBAT: See white board for HW and specific practice information on what we go over in class on a daily basis.
SWBAT: Review HW daily via Mr. Gibson.
SWBAT: Rehearse Concert Band music . (3rd period)
SWBAT: Practice beginning band instruments!(2nd)
SWBAT: Understand basic music theory.(All Classes)
SWBAT: Practice piano fundamentals.(2nd period)
SWBAT: Rehearse Wind Ensemble music! (4th pd)
SWBAT: Sight Read New Music( 3rd and 4th period)
SWBAT: Go over rules and regulations for each class period.
SWBAT: See white board for HW and specific practice information on what we go over in class on a daily basis.
SWBAT: Review HW daily via Mr. Gibson.
SWBAT: Rehearse Concert Band music . (3rd period)
SWBAT: Practice beginning band instruments!(2nd)
SWBAT: Understand basic music theory.(All Classes)
SWBAT: Practice piano fundamentals.(2nd period)
SWBAT: Rehearse Wind Ensemble music! (4th pd)
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Smart Session Small Ensemble Schedule 2-7-18
Any student who is interested in playing in Saxophone Quartet please stop by the band room during smart session today.
Winter Guard Competition this Saturday 2-10-18 (YORK)
The winter guard will perform at York Comprehensive High School in York SC on 2-10-18. We will be carpooling to the event. Again, I am very proud of all of the students accomplishments in this ensemble. Here is some important information about the event on Saturday February 10th:
- Students will meet at the school at 10:00am
- Guard students will car pool to the event. We will leave FHS at 10:30am.
- Bring money for concessions. We will go out to lunch around 2pm.
- Guard performs at York High School at 12:53pm. ($10 admission for parents)
- Award ceremony for Guard is at 5:30pm.
- We would like students to stay the entire time at this show and leave after awards.
- Admission is $10 for adults ($8 children 5-12) Children 5 and under are free
Address to York Comprehensive High School:
275 Alexander Love Hwy York, SC 29745
All guard members can leave with their ride after awards. The award ceremony is at 5:30pm. If you have any questions please email or call.
Nicholas Gibson
Director of Bands
Forestview High School
The winter guard will perform at York Comprehensive High School in York SC on 2-10-18. We will be carpooling to the event. Again, I am very proud of all of the students accomplishments in this ensemble. Here is some important information about the event on Saturday February 10th:
- Students will meet at the school at 10:00am
- Guard students will car pool to the event. We will leave FHS at 10:30am.
- Bring money for concessions. We will go out to lunch around 2pm.
- Guard performs at York High School at 12:53pm. ($10 admission for parents)
- Award ceremony for Guard is at 5:30pm.
- We would like students to stay the entire time at this show and leave after awards.
- Admission is $10 for adults ($8 children 5-12) Children 5 and under are free
Address to York Comprehensive High School:
275 Alexander Love Hwy York, SC 29745
All guard members can leave with their ride after awards. The award ceremony is at 5:30pm. If you have any questions please email or call.
Nicholas Gibson
Director of Bands
Forestview High School
All County Band Clinic Friday and Saturday (Select Students Only)
Friday, February 9, 2018
8:00-8:15 Arrival and check in at Ashbrook HS
8:30-11:30 Rehearsal
11:30-1:00 Staggered Lunch Breaks
1:00-3:30 Rehearsal
(Students need to bring a bag lunch or have communicated to Director about school lunch. )
3:30pm Dismissal
Saturday, February 10, 2018
8:30-8:55 Arrival and check in at Ashbrook HS
9:00-11:45 Rehearsal
11:45-12:15 Lunch (Students can bring a bag lunch or purchase through AHS Boosters.)
12:15-12:30 Dress for Concert Performance
1:00pm Concert Begins
Attire: Students should wear Concert Dress! (dress, skirt that is an appropriate length. dress pants, collared shirt, NO JEANS, NO SHORTS, NO SWEATS!)
8:00-8:15 Arrival and check in at Ashbrook HS
8:30-11:30 Rehearsal
11:30-1:00 Staggered Lunch Breaks
1:00-3:30 Rehearsal
(Students need to bring a bag lunch or have communicated to Director about school lunch. )
3:30pm Dismissal
Saturday, February 10, 2018
8:30-8:55 Arrival and check in at Ashbrook HS
9:00-11:45 Rehearsal
11:45-12:15 Lunch (Students can bring a bag lunch or purchase through AHS Boosters.)
12:15-12:30 Dress for Concert Performance
1:00pm Concert Begins
Attire: Students should wear Concert Dress! (dress, skirt that is an appropriate length. dress pants, collared shirt, NO JEANS, NO SHORTS, NO SWEATS!)
USC Honor Band Clinic Feb. 8th -11th (Select Students Only)

Class 2-7-18
SWBAT: Sight Read New Music( 3rd and 4th period)
SWBAT: Go over rules and regulations for each class period.
SWBAT: See white board for HW and specific practice information on what we go over in class on a daily basis.
SWBAT: Review HW daily via Mr. Gibson.
SWBAT: Rehearse Concert Band music . (3rd period)
SWBAT: Practice beginning band instruments!(2nd)
SWBAT: Understand basic music theory.(All Classes)
SWBAT: Practice piano fundamentals.(2nd period)
SWBAT: Rehearse Wind Ensemble music! (4th pd)
SWBAT: Sight Read New Music( 3rd and 4th period)
SWBAT: Go over rules and regulations for each class period.
SWBAT: See white board for HW and specific practice information on what we go over in class on a daily basis.
SWBAT: Review HW daily via Mr. Gibson.
SWBAT: Rehearse Concert Band music . (3rd period)
SWBAT: Practice beginning band instruments!(2nd)
SWBAT: Understand basic music theory.(All Classes)
SWBAT: Practice piano fundamentals.(2nd period)
SWBAT: Rehearse Wind Ensemble music! (4th pd)
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Smart Session Small Ensemble Schedule 2-6-18
Any student who is interested in playing in clarinet choir please stop by the band room during smart session today.
Winter Guard Competition this Saturday 2-10-18 (YORK)
The winter guard will perform at York Comprehensive High School in York SC on 2-10-18. We will be carpooling to the event. Again, I am very proud of all of the students accomplishments in this ensemble. Here is some important information about the event on Saturday February 10th:
- Students will meet at the school at 10:00am
- Guard students will car pool to the event. We will leave FHS at 10:30am.
- Bring money for concessions. We will go out to lunch around 2pm.
- Guard performs at York High School at 12:53pm. ($10 admission for parents)
- Award ceremony for Guard is at 5:30pm.
- We would like students to stay the entire time at this show and leave after awards.
- Admission is $10 for adults ($8 children 5-12) Children 5 and under are free
Address to York Comprehensive High School:
275 Alexander Love Hwy York, SC 29745
All guard members can leave with their ride after awards. The award ceremony is at 5:30pm. If you have any questions please email or call.
Nicholas Gibson
Director of Bands
Forestview High School
The winter guard will perform at York Comprehensive High School in York SC on 2-10-18. We will be carpooling to the event. Again, I am very proud of all of the students accomplishments in this ensemble. Here is some important information about the event on Saturday February 10th:
- Students will meet at the school at 10:00am
- Guard students will car pool to the event. We will leave FHS at 10:30am.
- Bring money for concessions. We will go out to lunch around 2pm.
- Guard performs at York High School at 12:53pm. ($10 admission for parents)
- Award ceremony for Guard is at 5:30pm.
- We would like students to stay the entire time at this show and leave after awards.
- Admission is $10 for adults ($8 children 5-12) Children 5 and under are free
Address to York Comprehensive High School:
275 Alexander Love Hwy York, SC 29745
All guard members can leave with their ride after awards. The award ceremony is at 5:30pm. If you have any questions please email or call.
Nicholas Gibson
Director of Bands
Forestview High School
All County Band Clinic Friday and Saturday (Select Students Only)
Friday, February 9, 2018
8:00-8:15 Arrival and check in at Ashbrook HS
8:30-11:30 Rehearsal
11:30-1:00 Staggered Lunch Breaks
1:00-3:30 Rehearsal
(Students need to bring a bag lunch or have communicated to Director about school lunch. )
3:30pm Dismissal
Saturday, February 10, 2018
8:30-8:55 Arrival and check in at Ashbrook HS
9:00-11:45 Rehearsal
11:45-12:15 Lunch (Students can bring a bag lunch or purchase through AHS Boosters.)
12:15-12:30 Dress for Concert Performance
1:00pm Concert Begins
Attire: Students should wear Concert Dress! (dress, skirt that is an appropriate length. dress pants, collared shirt, NO JEANS, NO SHORTS, NO SWEATS!)
USC Honor Band Clinic Feb. 8th -11th (Select Students Only)
Class 2-6-18
SWBAT: Sight Read New Music( 3rd and 4th period)
SWBAT: Go over rules and regulations for each class period.
SWBAT: See white board for HW and specific practice information on what we go over in class on a daily basis.
SWBAT: Review HW daily via Mr. Gibson.
SWBAT: Rehearse Concert Band music . (3rd period)
SWBAT: Practice beginning band instruments!(2nd)
SWBAT: Understand basic music theory.(All Classes)
SWBAT: Practice piano fundamentals.(2nd period)
SWBAT: Rehearse Wind Ensemble music! (4th pd)
SWBAT: Sight Read New Music( 3rd and 4th period)
SWBAT: Go over rules and regulations for each class period.
SWBAT: See white board for HW and specific practice information on what we go over in class on a daily basis.
SWBAT: Review HW daily via Mr. Gibson.
SWBAT: Rehearse Concert Band music . (3rd period)
SWBAT: Practice beginning band instruments!(2nd)
SWBAT: Understand basic music theory.(All Classes)
SWBAT: Practice piano fundamentals.(2nd period)
SWBAT: Rehearse Wind Ensemble music! (4th pd)
Monday, February 5, 2018
Winter Guard Competition this Saturday 2-10-18 (YORK)
The winter guard will perform at York Comprehensive High School in York SC on 2-10-18. We will be carpooling to the event. Again, I am very proud of all of the students accomplishments in this ensemble. Here is some important information about the event on Saturday February 10th:
- Students will meet at the school at 10:00am
- Guard students will car pool to the event. We will leave FHS at 10:30am.
- Bring money for concessions. We will go out to lunch around 2pm.
- Guard performs at York High School at 12:53pm. ($10 admission for parents)
- Award ceremony for Guard is at 5:30pm.
- We would like students to stay the entire time at this show and leave after awards.
- Admission is $10 for adults ($8 children 5-12) Children 5 and under are free
Address to York Comprehensive High School:
275 Alexander Love Hwy York, SC 29745
All guard members can leave with their ride after awards. The award ceremony is at 5:30pm. If you have any questions please email or call.
Nicholas Gibson
Director of Bands
Forestview High School
All County Band Clinic Friday and Saturday (Select Students Only)
USC Honor Band Clinic Feb. 8th -11th (Select Students Only)
Class 2-5-18
SWBAT: Sight Read New Music( 3rd and 4th period)
SWBAT: Go over rules and regulations for each class period.
SWBAT: See white board for HW and specific practice information on what we go over in class on a daily basis.
SWBAT: Review HW daily via Mr. Gibson.
SWBAT: Rehearse Concert Band music . (3rd period)
SWBAT: Practice beginning band instruments!(2nd)
SWBAT: Understand basic music theory.(All Classes)
SWBAT: Practice piano fundamentals.(2nd period)
SWBAT: Rehearse Wind Ensemble music! (4th pd)
SWBAT: Sight Read New Music( 3rd and 4th period)
SWBAT: Go over rules and regulations for each class period.
SWBAT: See white board for HW and specific practice information on what we go over in class on a daily basis.
SWBAT: Review HW daily via Mr. Gibson.
SWBAT: Rehearse Concert Band music . (3rd period)
SWBAT: Practice beginning band instruments!(2nd)
SWBAT: Understand basic music theory.(All Classes)
SWBAT: Practice piano fundamentals.(2nd period)
SWBAT: Rehearse Wind Ensemble music! (4th pd)
Thursday, February 1, 2018
Percussion Master Class This Friday After School 3:30pm-6:30pm
Guard Competition This Saturday
This letter went home with all the guard students.....
The winter guard will perform at Northwestern High School in Rock Hill SC on 2-3-18. We will be carpooling to the event. Again, I am very proud of all of the students accomplishments in this ensemble. Here is some important information about the event on Saturday February 3rd:
- Students will meet at the school at 11:30am
- Guard students will car pool to the event. We will leave FHS at 12:00pm.
- Bring money for concessions. We will go out to lunch around 2pm.
- Guard performs at Northwestern High School at 1:36pm. ($10 admission for parents)
- Award ceremony for Guard is at 8:40pm.
- We would like students to stay the entire time at this show and leave after awards.
- Admission is $10 for adults ($8 children 5-12) Children 5 and under are free
All guard members can leave with their ride after awards. If you have any questions please email or call.
Nicholas Gibson
Director of Bands
Forestview High School
The winter guard will perform at Northwestern High School in Rock Hill SC on 2-3-18. We will be carpooling to the event. Again, I am very proud of all of the students accomplishments in this ensemble. Here is some important information about the event on Saturday February 3rd:
- Students will meet at the school at 11:30am
- Guard students will car pool to the event. We will leave FHS at 12:00pm.
- Bring money for concessions. We will go out to lunch around 2pm.
- Guard performs at Northwestern High School at 1:36pm. ($10 admission for parents)
- Award ceremony for Guard is at 8:40pm.
- We would like students to stay the entire time at this show and leave after awards.
- Admission is $10 for adults ($8 children 5-12) Children 5 and under are free
All guard members can leave with their ride after awards. If you have any questions please email or call.
Nicholas Gibson
Director of Bands
Forestview High School
NC Western Region Jazz Clinic Schedule Change ( Sophia and Riley)
Updated schedule for Friday, February 2nd
11:30am - Registration in front of the Arts Theater
12pm - Begin rehearsals
4pm - 5:30 - Dinner
6pm - 7:30 - Rehearsal
Saturday February 3rd
Normal Schedule.
11:30am - Registration in front of the Arts Theater
12pm - Begin rehearsals
4pm - 5:30 - Dinner
6pm - 7:30 - Rehearsal
Saturday February 3rd
Normal Schedule.
Class 2-1-18
SWBAT: Sight Read New Music( 3rd and 4th period)
SWBAT: Go over rules and regulations for each class period.
SWBAT: See white board for HW and specific practice information on what we go over in class on a daily basis.
SWBAT: Review HW daily via Mr. Gibson.
SWBAT: Rehearse Concert Band music . (3rd period)
SWBAT: Practice beginning band instruments!(2nd)
SWBAT: Understand basic music theory.(All Classes)
SWBAT: Practice piano fundamentals.(2nd period)
SWBAT: Rehearse Wind Ensemble music! (4th pd)
SWBAT: Sight Read New Music( 3rd and 4th period)
SWBAT: Go over rules and regulations for each class period.
SWBAT: See white board for HW and specific practice information on what we go over in class on a daily basis.
SWBAT: Review HW daily via Mr. Gibson.
SWBAT: Rehearse Concert Band music . (3rd period)
SWBAT: Practice beginning band instruments!(2nd)
SWBAT: Understand basic music theory.(All Classes)
SWBAT: Practice piano fundamentals.(2nd period)
SWBAT: Rehearse Wind Ensemble music! (4th pd)
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